Hypnotherapy works because

ALL positive change starts with a thought.

Whether you want to lose weight, quit smoking, or build your self-confidence, you must THINK, ACT, and BECOME a person with different habits.

Hypnotherapy will help you make the positive changes you deserve.



When you create a positive attitude about your body, food choices, and release past frustration... your weight naturally returns to health.


No system works well under constant stress. A little bit is ok, but when it gets chronic, you are out of balance and will block any positive change until the stress is reduced.


Eliminate your triggers at the core so you don't have to ever pick up a nasty cigarette again. Feel the energy of life flow back into your body with every breath of fresh air.

"Ok, today is officially the day…..from 275 to 199 in just over year. I haven't been under 200 since

6th grade. Rose Stein your program kicks ass!!!! I can not tell you how grateful I am!"





The Positive Changes Book Group is the perfect space to explore life-changing ideas, share your insights, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Whether you're looking to dive deeper into self-development or just love engaging in meaningful discussions, this group is for you!

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a spiritual guidebook rooted in ancient Toltec wisdom, offering four simple yet profound principles for achieving personal freedom and happiness.

These principles help individuals break free from self-limiting beliefs and cultivate a life of fulfillment and peace.

Change your MIND. Change Everything.

Learn exactly how to BREAK OLD HABITS, and create new ones on purpose!

Learn Something New

respect vs disrespect


June 09, 20241 min read

"She just sat there, arms crossed staring at me.

I felt so disrespected." - Rose

When someone has their arms crossed, it means they are defensive and not listening... right?

What about when they are looking away when you are talking?

Or doodling when you are trying to make a point?



Being over-sensitive is a trademark of the typical emotional eater.

I was constantly feeling less than, not enough, and taken for granted.

Until finally, I learned a simple communication key.

3 keys actually.

Mom and Daughter fighting

We each have different LEAD SYSTEMS! 👊

1. Some of us are more visual:

  • colors are important, things often match

  • need to look right / good before going places

  • see things differently

  • look at people first, then listen / feel

  • often doodle when fully listening

2. Some of us are more auditory:

sounds are important / remembered

need things loud or quiet

hear things differently

listen to people first, then look / feel

often have their arms crossed when listening

3. Some of us are more kinesthetic:

feelings are very important

need to have a good feeling before acting

feel things differently

have a gut feeling about people first, then see / hear

often fidget or walk around when listening

We are NOT all the same - so stop thinking you are a mind reader - you are NOT!

Once we understand our LEAD SYSTEM and what it means, we no longer take ourselves or other so seriously.

Take the test - and let me know which of the 3 are your lead system.


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Rose Stein

I share what was shared with me... complete freedom from sugar and nicotine addiction with hypnotherapy. It worked for me, my clients, and now it's your turn to be free of these addictions once and for all. I do LIVE clinics, 1:1 hypnotherapy sessions, and coaching.

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About Rose Stein

I’m a mother, health coach,

clinical hypnotherapist, and founder of the

“Perfect Fit” signature program.

Since my first diet at 10 years old, all I wanted was to

feel comfortable and confident in my body, without

starving or missing out.

I’m here to show you how to make weight loss EASY,
